Passionate about Pets

We are Passionate about Pets, and would love to meet yours.

We are passionate about pets, and have been providing a caring service to our clients and their pets for over 50 years, at our surgeries in West London. Most of our staff are themselves pet owners, and they certainly are all pet lovers. We love meeting all shapes and sizes of pets. There are hundreds of different breeds of cats and dogs which we have seen over the years. Some breeds can be more prone to certain problems and our experience over many years can help in both diagnosing and treating any health issues that your pet may experience.

Prevention is better than cure.

   We believe that preventative healthcare is very important, as many diseases and problems can be prevented or treated more effectively with earlier interventions. Annual health check ups are an essential part of this healthcare.

To help owners care for their pets we offer a Pet Healthcare Plan which is available to all cats, dogs and rabbits. The plan includes vaccinations, regular health checks, monthly flea and worming treatments and 10 % off all other products and services that we offer. To join our Healthcare Club click HERE.

Every pet we see is unique, and we undertand that owners always know their pets best. Our team will listen closely to any worries you may have about your pets. We would love to meet you and your pet.  Why not contact us today – we would love to meet your unique pet !

We honestly cannot thank you enough for the excellent treatment and help you have given us with our dog Max. Since having his operation he has been like our “old Max” again.

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