Tag Archives: roundworm

Spring alert!

Spring alert!

Spring alert! 

Lilies are beautiful but very toxic to cats. Chewing the leaves or grooming pollen off their coats can lead to severe kidney failure. With Easter just around the corner, our Spring Newsletter discusses the common items in your home that are toxic to pets and the signs of poisoning to watch out for.


Spring alert!




Why is worming your pet so important?


Many puppies and kittens are born infected with roundworms because they cross the placenta and are also in the milk. Infected adult dogs can show few signs but younger animals can become very poorly. Our Spring Newsletter explains the different types of worms your pet can catch, and which worms can be transmitted to humans!

The good news is worm protection is automatically available in all of our Pet Healthcare Clubs, and becoming a member could save you up to £127 a year! Why not join today and spread the cost of your pets healthcare across affordable monthly payments on a date that suits you!



Worms are the worst!



Caring for your elderly cat.


Our Spring Newsletter offers some great advice on what to watch out for in your elderly feline friend.  Cats can become more vulnerable to illness in their twilight years, so we have to be super vigilant to ensure they don’t suffer in silence. Regular health checks are a good way of keeping your cat in top shape and picking up medical conditions early on, when they are easier to treat. Spot the signs of arthritis in your older cat.


Tabby cat in grass



We hope you enjoy reading our Spring Newsletter, if you a question on any of the articles mentioned don’t hesitate to contact our friendly for further advice.

Don’t forget to find us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with our latest news and pet advice.


Spring alert!

Spring alert!